Our Mutual Friend

Our Mutual Friend
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Our Mutual Friend By Charles Dickens free download in pdf.

The story of the Harmon \’\’dust\’\’ fortune and those who inherit it. Although somewhat a mystery, an important point concerning the identity of certain characters is revealed halfway through, without hinting as to the ending.

Book Excerpt

ine at Veneerings, expressly to meet the Member, the Engineer, the Payer-off of the National Debt, the Poem on Shakespeare, the Grievance, and the Public Office, and, dining, discovered that all of them were the most intimate friends Veneering had in the world, and that the wives of all of them (who were all there) were the objects of Mrs Veneering\’s most devoted affection and tender confidence.Thus it had come about, that Mr Twemlow had said to himself in his lodgings, with his hand to his forehead: \’I must not think of this. This is enough to soften any man\’s brain,\’–and yet was always thinking of it, and could never form a conclusion.

This evening the Veneerings give a banquet. Eleven leaves in the Twemlow; fourteen in company all told. Four pigeon-breasted retainers in plain clothes stand in line in the hall. A fifth retainer, proceeding up the staircase with a mournful air–as who should say, \’Here is another wretched creature come to dinner; such is life!\’–announces, \’Mis-ter Twemlow!\’

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