Anna the Adventuress By E. Phillips Oppenheim free download in pdf.
Book Excerpt
She looked at him with uplifted eyebrows–a look of whimsical incredulity. Sir John felt that after all forty-five was not so very old.
\”That sounds quite absurd,\” she answered. \”Yet it is my last evening, and I think–if you are sure that you would like to have me–that I will risk it.\”
\”We will go to a very quiet place,\” he assured her, \”a place where I have often taken my own sisters. You will be wearing your travelling dress, and no doubt you would prefer it. Shall we say at half-past seven?\”
She rose from her chair.
\”I will take a carriage,\” she said, \”and fetch my things.\”
\”Let us say that Café Maston, in the Boulevard des Italiennes, at half-past seven then,\” he decided. \”I shall be waiting for you there, and in the meantime, if you will help yourself–pray don\’t look like that. It is a very small affair,